TimeOut – Holiday homes for people with a life limiting illness

PCNNZ is proud to support TimeOut, a NZ not-for-profit charity (www.timeoutnz.org), connecting generous holiday homeowners who are willing to donate a stay in their property to a person diagnosed with an incurable illness so that they can spend quality time together and make precious memories with whānau and friends. These TimeOut experiences create lasting memories and bring families and communities together.

Who is eligible?

Anyone who has received a terminal illness diagnosis is eligible to apply for a TimeOut stay. Proof of diagnosis is required as part of the registration process and our team is happy to help facilitate this.

TimeOut defines a terminal diagnosis as a life limiting illness. This is an illness that cannot be cured and will at some time result in the person dying. The illness needs to be progressive and the prognosis should be 5 years or less to qualify for a stay.

To learn more, please watch Israel Dagg share his own personal experience and explain what TimeOut charity is all about and why it is so important – Giving the Gift of Lasting Memories: TimeOut Charity explained

If you know someone who might benefit from a TimeOut stay, make sure to get in touch – email [email protected] or apply online at timeoutnz.org/apply

To learn more: 
Website: www.timeoutnz.org 

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/timeoutnz.org

Email: Kylie at [email protected]  – Phone: 0273024892

For Recipients in Auckland who dont want/unable to travel far, we have recently been donated the unlimited and exclusive use of Mokoroa Retreat.

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