Planning for palliative care services in Aotearoa: what our population data tells us

Virtual Event – 23 May 2023 – 10.30-12.30 – all welcome – registration is free

Hosted by Te Whatu Ora palliative care team, presented by Heather McLeod, actuary.

Heather McLeod is an actuary and academic whose work investigating palliative care data in Aotearoa for the Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora has informed policy and clinical directions since 2012. Heather will present findings from updated studies of historical deaths and projections of deaths to 2043 and 2073.

This is essential information for people with an interest in how palliative care services in Aotearoa are planned, funded and provided.


  • The strategic challenges for palliative care.
  • The need for inpatient beds at the end of life.
  • Updated national trends for place of death.
  • How place of death varies with condition and the need for palliative care.
  • Māori and non-Māori differences and the impact of deaths at older ages.
  • New research on how place of death differs for urban and rural people.
  • Regional trends and differences, with a tool to use for planning.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions (via the chat function). 

The slides and a recording of this presentation will be available on the Te Whatu Ora website following the webinar. The supporting population projections, and the regional and district planning tool will be available in June. 

Click here to access the link and join the webinar on teams or here

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