Presentation Files |
Palliative Care Nurses New Zealand Conference 2017 Programme |
Keynote Speaker | Organisation | Topic |
Prof Merryn Gott | The University of Auckland | What do we know about the support needs of family and whanau carers within palliative care in New Zealand? |
Invited Speaker | Organisation | Topic |
Dr John Kleinsman | The Nathaniel Centre – the NZ Catholic Bioethics Centre | Changing demographics and changing metaphors: The musings of a middle-aged ethicist on death and dying in New Zealand |
Dr Amanda Landers | Nurse Maude | Identifying and responding to moral distress |
Presenter/s | Organisation | Topic |
Dr Joy Bickley Asher | Independent Contractor, Wellington | Clinical supervision: Looking back and looking forward |
Diana Bowalgaha Ralalage | Nurse Maude Hospice | Death and dying in hospital: Palliative care patients’ and families’ perspectives |
Helen Brown | Nurse Maude, Christchurch | Changing practice for patients with pancreatic cancer in New Zealand |
Prof Liz Forbat | Australian Catholic University & Calvary Health Care | Supporting specialist palliative care clinicians integrate palliative care into residential care for older people: A checklist to guide practice |
Using innovative distance learning approaches to educate informal carers |
Writing for publication: Practical approaches and insider insights to academic publishing |
Ann Gray | Hawkes’ Bay DHB | Nurturing our nurses: feeding the soul to sustain their care. An innovative teaching initiative |
Dr Annmarie Hosie, Prof Jane Phillips, Prof Meera Agar & Dr Aileen Collier | IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, AUS School of Nursing, The University of Auckland, Auckland | An interdisciplinary approach to palliative care of people at risk of delirium |
Christy Jackson & Joy Cairns | Waipuna Hospice, Tauranga | Needs assessment in hospice palliative care – Staying out of the Rabbit Hole |
Peter Kimble | Hospice Waikato | Using Mindfulness and Jean Watson’s Caritas Processes to enhance and improve the voice of nursing within palliative care |
Maureen O’Brien | ACT Health, Canberra, AUS | ‘Focus on the living before the dying’: Advance care planning perspectives amongst those with Parkinson’s Disease |
Dr Vivien Rodgers | Massey University, Feilding | Are HCAs in provincial RAC facilities ready to provide palliative care? |
Carol Rose | Hospice Mid-Northland & The Aromary | Optimising quality of life in palliative care: The potential of aromatherapy |
Bridget Ryan | Nurse Maude Palliative Care Service | Looking at a new palliative care service to ARC through both sides of the looking glass |
Emma Sprague | Hospice West Auckland | De-prescribing in palliative care |
Denise van Aalst | Hospice Southland | Haere Mai – Welcoming overseas staff into New Zealand hospice culture |
Daniela Vasquez & Lauren Deland | Liverpool Emergency Department, Sydney, AUS | Time Is Precious (TIP): A fast track pathway for palliative care patients presenting to the emergency department |