2017 Conference

 Presentation Files

Palliative Care Nurses New Zealand Conference 2017 Programme


Keynote SpeakerOrganisationTopic
Prof Merryn GottThe University of AucklandWhat do we know about the support needs of family and whanau carers within palliative care in New Zealand?
Invited SpeakerOrganisationTopic
Dr John KleinsmanThe Nathaniel Centre – the NZ Catholic Bioethics CentreChanging demographics and changing metaphors: The musings of a middle-aged ethicist on death and dying in New Zealand
Dr Amanda LandersNurse MaudeIdentifying and responding to moral distress
Dr Joy Bickley AsherIndependent Contractor, WellingtonClinical supervision: Looking back and looking forward
Diana Bowalgaha RalalageNurse Maude HospiceDeath and dying in hospital: Palliative care patients’ and families’ perspectives
Helen BrownNurse Maude, ChristchurchChanging practice for patients with pancreatic cancer in New Zealand
Prof Liz ForbatAustralian Catholic University & Calvary Health CareSupporting specialist palliative care clinicians integrate palliative care into residential care for older people: A checklist to guide practice
Using innovative distance learning approaches to educate informal carers
Writing for publication: Practical approaches and insider insights to academic publishing
Ann GrayHawkes’ Bay DHBNurturing our nurses: feeding the soul to sustain their care. An innovative teaching initiative
Dr Annmarie Hosie,
Prof Jane Phillips,
Prof Meera Agar
& Dr Aileen Collier
IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, AUS
School of Nursing, The University of Auckland, Auckland
An interdisciplinary approach to palliative care of people at risk of delirium
Christy Jackson
& Joy Cairns
Waipuna Hospice, TaurangaNeeds assessment in hospice palliative care – Staying out of the Rabbit Hole
Peter KimbleHospice WaikatoUsing Mindfulness and Jean Watson’s Caritas Processes to enhance and improve the voice of nursing within palliative care
Maureen O’BrienACT Health, Canberra, AUS‘Focus on the living before the dying’: Advance care planning perspectives amongst those with Parkinson’s Disease
Dr Vivien RodgersMassey University, FeildingAre HCAs in provincial RAC facilities ready to provide palliative care?
Carol RoseHospice Mid-Northland & The AromaryOptimising quality of life in palliative care: The potential of aromatherapy
Bridget RyanNurse Maude Palliative Care ServiceLooking at a new palliative care service to ARC through both sides of the looking glass
Emma SpragueHospice West AucklandDe-prescribing in palliative care
Denise van AalstHospice SouthlandHaere Mai – Welcoming overseas staff into New Zealand hospice culture
Daniela Vasquez
& Lauren Deland
Liverpool Emergency Department, Sydney, AUSTime Is Precious (TIP): A fast track pathway for palliative care patients presenting to the emergency department



Te Arai Student Day, Tamaki Innovation Campus, 2 November

Psychosocial Oncology NZ (PONZ) Conference, Rydges Hotel Christchurch, 2-4 November

Te Arai Conference, Tamaki Innovation Campus, 3 November

Nurturing Our Nurses, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Ann Gray, 9 October

Palliative Care Nurses NZ (PCNNZ) Conference, James Cook HGC, Wellington, 9-10 October